aka Team Black Dogs Rule

Monday, March 25, 2013

Displaying Calm

A very important trait for a service dog that is required to go out in public needs to have is "calm". Think of an action movie with explosions or gun shots, 4th of July fireworks, or an honor roll assembly at an elementary school with sudden bursts of applause. (video after the jump)

Major sat quietly under my feet during the whole ceremony.And think about it. We have 2 "pet" dogs at home that bark at a backfire, the doorbell, fireworks. They jump if you accidentally step on a tail, or even growl at times. Could you imagine taking your dog on a ride at Disneyland? Major has been on many!

As soon as the assembly was over, and we were heading out, Major alerted. My wife went back inside and checked, and Stella was 86 and coming down. Good low Major!


  1. Too bad you didn't have one of him at the Leno show. that was loud even for me. major is great no matter what situation

  2. That was so far above and beyond the call of duty... But Jay Leno was an amazing training opportunity :)
