aka Team Black Dogs Rule

Monday, February 11, 2013

The Aquarium of the Pacific

We had a wonderful time meeting up with our Canine Hope for Diabetics family on Sunday at the Aquarium of the Pacific. 

We met some amazing new families. One family, the Lara's, got to play with Raven all day, to kind of take a DAD out for a test drive. Raven was perfect for most of the day, even giving several alerts to blood sugar issues. She let us know by the end of the day though, that she didn't want to go home with anyone else but us :-)

We also had the pleasure of meeting Ciena, a 10 year old girl that was just diagnosed 3 weeks ago. That is such a trying time in a families life, everything is in turmoil, and there have been so many changes. Such a scary, scary time. But her family is being VERY proactive, getting involved with T1 groups, and coming out to our event yesterday to meet new families and kids, and see what the dogs are all about. When Ciena first arrived, there were some tears involved. I'm sure she was scared and overwhelmed. The last half of our day was spent doing some training exercises with the dogs. Stella went first, so I knew Major would be available. I offered Major to Ciena, and at first she said no. But then her mom came over and asked if it was still okay. I said of course.

 Watching her interact with Major was wonderful. It brought tears to my eyes as I saw her face light up. She was focused on the dog, and for once, she wasn't thinking about carbs, or insulin, shots, seizures, or comas. Just her and Major, and not dropping the MilkBone. And she smiled. What an amazing way to end the day. Thank you Major, for being an amazing dog, and doing what you do best. Soothing and comforting a young type 1. You're the best.

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